3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit (Nov 11th & 12th 2009, Sevilla) : announcement from Belén Gallego (CSP Today) => list of the finalists for the CSP Today Awards

Publié le par Dr Hadroug Nasser

3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit (Nov 11th & 12th 2009, Sevilla) : announcement from Belén Gallego (CSP Today) => list of the finalists for the CSP Today Awards

We are just a couple of weeks away from the 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit (Nov 11th & 12th, Sevilla) and CSP Today wanted to announce the finalists for the CSP Today Awards. The winners will be chosen by public vote on the first day of the event in Sevilla, chosen by the 650 strong audience at the event.

CSP Today is proud to announce the finalists in each of the categories of the 1st CSP Today Awards. The finalists have been selected by an expert panel of judges including Felix Téllez from CIEMAT, Eduardo Zarza from Plataforma Solar of Alamería, Luís Crespo from Protermosolar, Tom Mancini from SANDIA labs, Miguel Ángel Muro from Red Eléctrica de España and Belén Gallego from CSP Today.

The finalists are as follows:

1. Award to CSP innovation
• Torresol
• Guardian
• SkyFuel
• Vinci Energía

2. Award for CSP competitiveness
• Abener
• Novatech Biosol
• Solel
• Guardian

3. Award to the best increased dispatchability solution
• Solar Euromed

4. Award to best applied research and development in CSP
• US Digital
• GE

5. Award to best commercialized technological innovation
• Abengoa
• eSolar
• West LB
• Dürferrit

The website CSP Today will be updated over the next couple of days to reflect all the last confirmed companies attending the event and the last schedule which will be published briefly.

Belén Gallego
CSP Today

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